Healthy Evening Snacks For Weight Loss


     Healthy Evening Snacks For Weight Loss        


To maintain a healthy weight, digestion and metabolism, nutritionists say, you need to eat regularly, but little by little. However, the snack must be healthy. Sandwiches, pies, chips and sweets are a direct route to extra pounds. Evening healthy snacks for weight loss do nutritionists offer?


Why are snacks so important to our health? The usual diet plan, which includes two or three large meals a day, is not physiological. Our ancestors of distant collectors could seldom obtain much food at once. The body has adapted for hundreds of thousands of years to the regular but small intake of calories: the carrot here, a handful of berries there. The volume of our stomach is small - only 0.5 liters when empty. But we often force it to stretch by eating more than is necessary. Simply because we have time to get pretty hungry between two meals. As a result, we need more and more food each time to feel full. Eating too much is not only bad for your figure. It greatly complicates digestion and slows down the metabolism.

You should eat about six times a day, and three of these meals should be small snacks. You can have a light brunch between breakfast and lunch, and lunch between lunch and dinner. Then eat something healthy up to one and a half to two hours before bedtime. Not to throw in the bed and turn, dream of a sandwich. However, it will help if you do not replace the most important meals.

For a snack, snacks that contain fast carbohydrates are completely unsuitable - they become saturated immediately, but not for long. Sweets, white flour pastries, chips and similar snacks are far from light, healthy snacks.

A healthy snack contains a lot of protein and complex carbohydrates. Their calorie content is relatively low. 

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Healthy snacks Fitness bars are of two types: some are made of grain. Sometimes with the addition of dried berries, dried fruits, nuts or dark chocolate. In contrast, others are based on fruits and nuts. Fruit and nut bars are the best choice for hungry office workers. But it's perfect for those who use physical activity regularly - athletes, regular visitors to fitness clubs. As well as for people working in the fresh air. Both types of bars are healthy and are an excellent option for a light snack. However, it must contain sugar, seasonings, dyes and preservatives.

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Good healthy snack. They are raw and baked - both types are perfect with milk or kefir. Raw is also good for adding fruit salad. You can chew baked bowls just like that. However, do not confuse muesli with maize flakes - these are different foods. Flakes are not nearly as healthy as they contain a lot of vegetable oils and sugars. Those with a sweet tooth may be advised to eat baked muesli with honey and dried fruit. It contains more calories than diet, but contains an extra dose of vitamins and minerals.


Healthy Evening Snacks For Weight Loss
Healthy Evening Snacks For Weight Loss


It's a real 'superfood'. Almost all nuts contain a high dose of vitamins E and B3, lots of potassium, phosphorus and magnesium. It improves memory, concentration and performance. In addition, nuts lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of heart attack and benefit the genitals. But it will help if you are careful with this product. 


When we say evening healthy snack for weight loss we are thinking primarily of berries or fruits. But here we must also be careful. All fruits and berries are naturally healthy, rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. However, some of them, such as grapes, bananas, figs, mangoes, persimmons and cherries, contain a lot of sugar. If you are trying to deal with obesity, you need to limit it. Pay attention to fruits that contain little sugar: grapefruits, watermelon, strawberries, blueberries. Apples, which have long been a symbol of dietary nutrition, are also a controversial product: they are rich in vitamins, they are rich in iron and fiber, but at the same time they have an increasing appetite.


Healthy Evening Snacks For Weight Loss
Healthy Evening Snacks For Weight Loss

There are no restrictions here! Celery stalks or vegetable salad are almost the best healthy snack. Vegetables, raw and cooked, contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. They prolong youth, help maintain a figure and improve overall health. The most useful vegetables - that is, those with a high vitamin content and a low calorie content - include broccoli, radishes, carrots, eggplant, peppers, cabbage, celery if you do not feel like eating a regular vegetable salad. , roast vegetables (peppers, zucchini, eggplant, carrots, beets, pumpkin, tomatoes are ideal for this) and make a vegetable sandwich with wholemeal bread.


Speaking of bread, wholemeal sandwiches and crispbread, are also considered excellent choices for a healthy snack. Whole grains are not made from flour, but soaked, crushed and compressed. No flour, no - ideally - fat, let alone yeast or eggs. It is a heavy, slightly moist bread with a coarse texture. They contain a lot of fiber; whole grain clips improve metabolic processes and the condition of blood vessels, lower cholesterol levels, contain B vitamins, which are especially necessary for the functioning of the nervous system. But make no mistake - this is not a dietary product: 100 grams of such bread contains 300-350 calories, and if nuts, seeds and dried fruits are added, the calorie content is even higher.

Do not confuse wholemeal bread with wholemeal bread - these are many different foods. Whole wheat bread contains sugar, yeast and other common ingredients. However, even it is healthier than white bread and pastries because it contains more vitamins and fiber.


Various fresh dairy foods on wooden background

Natural yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk foods are a pleasant light snack: bonus - high content of calcium, the building material of teeth and bones. Lactobacilli, in kefir, help maintain the normal gut microflora, but you should not just rely on it in the fight against diagnosed dysbiosis. Yet kefir is food, not medicine.


Mug cake, or "cup cake", is a type of diet cake that is very popular among healthy food lovers who use cup cakes as breakfast, lunch or snacks. McGake is baked in a microwave within five to seven minutes in the microwave. Of course, this dessert is only useful if it is prepared without sugar and fat. With the presence of sweeteners in the composition, you can enjoy sweets and not get extra calories. The recipe, which has already become a classic style, contains low-fat cottage cheese and milk (you can use yogurt or kefir), an egg, bran in flour (oats, flaxseed, rice, etc.), baking powder and sugar substitute. Sometimes cocoa, honey, nuts and berries are added. Most of those who have ever tried to bake this dessert agree that the cooking process is simple. The most important thing is not to forget to add all the main ingredients. Ready-made mixes with a balanced composition are offered for sale, which is suitable even for beginner chefs.


They became fashionable about five to seven years ago. However, they started making it much earlier - in the seventies, and in the India, due to interest in a healthy lifestyle, people opened cafes with healthy food. Few people like to gnaw raw roots, but it is much more attractive in the form of mashed potatoes. Basically, baby food is the same smoothie. Smoothies are a good option for those who do not like vegetable and fruit salad very much: they allow you to eat foods that few people would eat in the same way, for example beets or celery. The most important thing is not to add syrup, sweet yogurt or ice cream to smoothies. Do not forget that our teeth and gums need a constant burden for our health, which is absent if we are constantly eating fluids.

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