Benefits of Cashews nuts

Benefits of cashews nuts

Speaking of the benefits and harms of cashew nuts, it should be said about their taste characteristics, which have a delicate oily taste due to its unique composition.

First glance, talking about the contraindications and beneficial properties of cashew nuts, it may seem that it is a very fatty product, but in fact it is far from true. Cashews have less fat than almonds, peanuts and walnuts. In this case, the product contains many nutrients: starch, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, proteins, unsaturated and saturated fatty acids, natural sugars.

First of all it is necessary to understand this product more divisively. Speaking of what is useful cashews for women, it is worth mentioning the positive effect on the gums and teeth - of course, subject to personal hygiene. Experts from Japan have long been able to establish that in the kernels of this nut are substances that can have a detrimental effect on those bacteria that contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel. It is likely that soon on the shelves you can find toothpaste based on cashew nuts.

Oral nuts cashews and honey. This helps to deal with red gums. Until recently, this product was considered an aphrodisiac, and this is not surprising, since it contains a large amount of vitamin E, which can have a positive effect on the female and male reproductive organs. ad Also, cashews are recommended in the presence of skin diseases, they are useful for people with psoriasis, eczema and other problems with the epidermis that occur as a result of metabolic disorders.

Nut shells successfully treat dermatitis, pimples and warts. Cashew nuts for immunity With regular consumption of cashew nuts there is a strengthening of the immune system, and a variety of infectious diseases and other diseases bypass the person. In the homeland of these nuts, in Latin America, the fruits and decoctions based on them are used in diseases of the respiratory system and various inflammatory processes - bronchitis, asthma, as well as influenza and other viral diseases. In this case, the high efficiency of this product is due to the presence in cashews of certain properties: antimicrobial,

In Africa, a decoction of nut shells successfully treat dermatitis, pimples and warts. Cashew nuts for immunity With regular consumption of cashew nuts there is a strengthening of the immune system, and a variety of infectious diseases and other diseases bypass the person. In the homeland of these nuts, in Latin America, the fruits and decoctions based on them are used in diseases of the respiratory system and various inflammatory processes - bronchitis, asthma, as well as influenza and other viral diseases. In this case, the high efficiency of this product is due to the presence in cashews of certain properties: antimicrobial,

Cashew, it is also called cashew - belongs to the genus of woody plants of the sumac family. It is a tropical evergreen tree with a dense spreading crown, rarely reaching a height of more than 10 meters. In the spring on many branches bloom yellow pink flowers, and after three months the fruits appear.


Cashew fruit is a juicy stalk (cashew apple) with a sweet and sour taste and aroma, red or yellow, shaped like a pear. At the top of the stalk is a small nut in a hard shell - cashew nut, the benefits and harms of which are combined in a strange way due to the rich chemical composition. 

Cashew apples are used to make juices, desserts and jams. Unfortunately, fresh peduncles belong to ad perishable products and not suitable for transportation. But nuts can be stored enough long and exported worldwide. a little history Brazil is considered the birthplace of cashews. The benefits and harms of this plant were well known to the local Tikun tribes, who called it acaju, which means “yellow fruit.” Not only the fruit of the tree but also the bark and leaves were used. In the 16th century, this exotic nut was discovered by the Portuguese as they actively explored new.

Cashews are also rich in vitamins and minerals 
just one handful of nuts can provide a daily intake of many nutrients. First of all, it is B vitamins, vitamins E and K from calcium and iron too degree, so it is better to use them within reasonable limits - no more than 30 g per day.  In some people they cause allergies. It is necessary to limit their consumption to those who seek to lose weight, but a small amount of nuts a day will benefit, because they contain polyunsaturated fatty acids help maintain the desired weight. ad Cashews in cooking The usual salt-fried or sweetened cashew nuts - this is not all that cooking offers. 

Their mild creamy taste goes well with fruits and vegetables, with meat and various cereals. Proponents of a separate diet can safely eat cashews with both protein foods and carbohydrates, because nuts are neutral products. How to choose cashews and where to store them So that the benefits of cashews do not turn to harm, you need to choose only fresh healthy nuts. They are usually whole, with a smooth surface and a light cream color. It is good if when buying you can try nuts: they should not have foreign odors 

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