The Most Lucrative Facts About Organic Food Jobs of 2022


 Facts About Organic Food 


They are free from genetically modified organisms. Facts about Organic foods are produced using methods that respect nature, promote biodiversity and conserve soil health.


 Organic farming practices are better for both human health and the environment. The USDA has certified over 80% of U.S. farms as organic. In addition, organic produce is often less expensive than conventionally grown produce.

Facts About Organic Food

Facts About Organic Food 

What is organic food? How does it differ from conventional food? What are its benefits?

1. Organic foods have been proven to be healthier than non-organic foods. They contain more nutrients and less pesticides and hormones.

 2. Organic foods also taste better than their conventional counterparts. You’ll love the freshness and flavor of these healthy foods.

 3. Organic foods are grown without using synthetic chemicals or genetically modified organisms. They are free from harmful additives like artificial flavors, colors, preservatives, and sweeteners.

 4. Organic foods are produced by farmers who practice sustainable farming methods. They don't use toxic fertilizers or dangerous pesticides.

 5. Organic foods are grown on farms where animals are raised naturally and treated humanely. They are not given antibiotics or growth hormones.

 6. Organic foods are grown by farmers who care about the environment and wildlife. They do not pollute our water supplies or harm our soil.

Organic food vs conventional Food

Organic  food is healthier than conventional food has been going on for years. Many people believe that organic foods are safer than their non-organic counterparts, while others claim they are not any different. However, there are many studies showing that organic food does have some advantages over its conventionally grown counterpart. Here are just a few reasons why organic food may be better for you.


1. More Nutrients

 One of the biggest differences between organic and conventional food is the amount of nutrients contained within each product. While both types of food provide calories, organic food provides more vitamins and minerals. A study conducted at Purdue University showed that organic produce had higher levels of vitamin C, beta carotene, folate, iron, zinc, and manganese.


2. Less Pesticides

 Another major difference between organic and conventional food lies in the pesticides used to grow them. According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), organic crops use less than half the amount of pesticide compared to their conventionally grown counterparts. EWG reports that organic food contains about 1/10th the amount of pesticides compared to conventional food.


3. Better Taste

 Many people prefer organic food because it tastes better. Studies show that organic fruits and vegetables taste fresher, sweeter, and richer than their non-organic equivalents. In fact, a recent study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry revealed that organic strawberries were rated as having the best flavor among all tested varieties.


4. Safer for You and the Environment

 Conventional farming practices often involve using harmful chemicals that pollute our land and water supplies. These chemicals can cause cancer, birth defects, and even death. Organic farmers do not use these harmful substances, making their products safer for you and the environment.

5. Healthier for Animals

 While we cannot eat animals raised organically, we can choose to buy meat and dairy products from farms that raise their livestock this way. Organic cows live in cleaner conditions without being given antibiotics or hormones. Their milk is free from artificial ingredients and hormones.


6. Better for Our Planet

 According to the United Nations, organic agriculture uses 80% less water than conventional methods. This means that organic farming is much kinder to the planet and helps reduce pollution caused by excessive amounts of water usage.

Facts About Organic Food
Facts About Organic Food


 Why You Should Eat Organic Food

1. Nutrition

 The first thing we need to know about nutrition is that it's not just about what you eat, but how much of it you eat. If you're eating a lot of processed foods, chances are you're not getting enough calories. And if you're not getting enough, then you're not getting enough vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, etc. Eating organic means you're eating real food, not junk food. Real food contains all the nutrients you need to live a long and happy life.


2. Health

 If you want to stay healthy, you have to eat right. But what does that mean? Well, it means eating lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, low-fat dairy products, and fish. These foods are loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber. Not only do they keep you healthy, but they taste great!


3. Environment

 When you buy non-organic produce, you're contributing to pollution. When you buy organic produce, you're helping to protect our environment. Plus, organic produce tastes better than conventional produce.


4. Animals

 Animals raised organically don't receive hormones, antibiotics, or chemicals. So their meat, milk, eggs, and cheese are healthier for you.


5. Taste

 You may think that organic food doesn't taste as good as regular food, but it actually does. In fact, some people even prefer organic food over regular food.


6. Price

 Buying organic food is cheaper than buying conventionally grown food. Plus, organic food lasts longer than conventional food.


7. Safety

 Conventional produce isn't safe to eat. It's been treated with pesticides and herbicides, and those chemicals end up in your body. Buying organic ensures that you're not putting any harmful chemicals in your body.


Facts About Organic Food
Facts About Organic Food

The Problem with Conventional Farming Practices

1. Pesticides

 Pesticides are chemicals that kill insects, weeds, fungi, bacteria, and other unwanted organisms. These chemicals are often toxic to humans and animals, and they have been linked to cancer, birth defects, and neurological disorders. Pesticides are commonly used in conventional farming practices and are applied directly to crops before harvest.


2. Fertilizer run-off

 Fertilizer run-offs are caused by overuse of fertilizer and are a major cause of water pollution. When farmers apply excess amounts of fertilizer to their fields, it runs off into nearby bodies of water and pollutes them. Run-off occurs when rainwater washes away excessive amounts of fertilizer from the field.


3. Water contamination

 Water contamination happens when pesticides and fertilizers wash down storm drains and end up in local waterways. Local streams and rivers become polluted with these chemicals, and fish and other aquatic life are exposed to dangerous levels of toxins.


4. Soil erosion

 Soil erosion is caused by heavy rainfall and wind. Heavy rains wash topsoil out of the ground, causing it to blow away. Wind blows topsoil around and causes it to crumble and disappear.


5. Global warming

 Global warming is caused by greenhouse gases, which trap heat inside the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases are released into the air when fossil fuels are burned. Fossil fuels are coal, oil, and natural gas.

 - Healthier and More Nutritious Foods

 How Does Organic Food Taste?

1. Better tasting food

 The taste of food is affected by many factors including the type of fertilizer used, the amount of water applied, and how long the food was stored before consumption. When using organic fertilizers, the food tastes better because they contain no harmful chemicals. In addition, organic foods have higher levels of vitamins and antioxidants than non-organic foods.


2. Healthier food

 When using organic fertilizers, you are not only feeding your plants healthier food, but you are also helping to protect the environment by reducing pollution caused by chemical fertilizers.


3. More nutritious food

 There are many different types of organic fertilizers, each with their own unique set of benefits. One of the best organic fertilizers is composted manure. Composting involves taking cow manure and mixing it with wood chips to create a rich mixture that contains high amounts of nitrogen, phosphorous, potassium, and trace elements. This mixture is then spread onto the garden beds where it provides nutrients to the plants.


4. Less expensive food

 Using organic fertilizers means less money spent on buying food. You can save money by purchasing organic fertilizers at wholesale prices instead of retail prices.


5. Safer food

 Many people believe that organic food is safer to eat because it does not contain pesticides and herbicides. However, these chemicals do not stay in the body forever. If you consume them regularly, they could build up in your system over time and cause serious health problems.


6. Cheaper food

 If you use organic fertilizers, you can save money by purchasing them at wholesale prices instead of paying retail prices.


7. Easier to prepare food

 You can easily prepare food using organic fertilizers because they are much easier to work with than chemical fertilizers.



Facts about organic foods is clearly declared that its only healthy and rich in taste and often very very reasonable for eat and contain only nutrients

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