Comparison of fruits


            Comparison of fruits


Which fruit is the healthiest?

Fruit is healthy, but you can not say that one fruit is healthier than others - even if some berries for example. being highlighted as superfoods. The healthiest thing is to switch between different fruits to benefit from all the nutrients that the different fruits contain

Different fruits contain different important vitamins and minerals. Therefore, it does not make sense to proclaim a fruit to be the healthiest.  

Are some fruits healthier than others?

No, there is no evidence that some fruits are healthier than others, says senior researcher. And really, you can't see at all.

No fruit contains all the nutrients we need. So, just like in the other food groups, it is important to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables to benefit from the different vitamins and minerals that the fruits and vegetables each contain. "


“It is often exotic berries that are touted as superfoods. But one should always be careful when a single food is put up on a pedestal. You will not get healthier from eating a handful of acai berries from the Amazon than an apple. You will be healthiest by varying your intake of fruit and vegetables. 


Is fruit healthy at all?

On the other hand, there is no doubt that fruit is healthy. Fruit and vegetables help prevent a large number of lifestyle diseases, and this is one of the reasons why the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration recommends "6 a day" 

600 grams of foods grown from the ground, in some measure half of which are vegetables.One is not quite sure what it is in fruits and vegetables that is so beneficial, but presumably it is the combination of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and other substances such as phytochemicals that are associated with a number of health benefits.

Can you eat too much fruit?

There is no need to be nervous about eating too much fruit - as long as it is not at the expense of the other food groups that contain other nutrients we need. So you can not live on fruit alone. At the same time, you must be aware that the health effect decreases after you have hit the 300 grams of fruit that the authorities recommend. There may be an additional effect, but it does not continue indefinitely.

But what about the sugar in fruit?  

You do not have to be careful with the sugar in fruit in the same way as with refined sugar. The sugar in fruit is wrapped in fiber, so only a little sugar is released from the fibers you break when you chew. The rest is released much more slowly than if you eat a chocolate bar or a piece of candy, as it requires a lot of work from the digestive system to 'unpack the sugar' from the fiber. In juice, however, some of the fibers are sorted out, and therefore juice does not have the same ability as whole fruit to delay sugar uptake.


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